2.1   Area Hydrology

     The Gator Slough canal system watershed is located in the northwest area of Lee County and covers an area of approximately fifty-eight square miles in the counties of Lee and Charlotte.  An additional thirty-three square miles are within Charlotte County mostly within the Cecil Webb Wildlife Management Area.  As agreed in the planning meeting with SFWMD, this modeling study focused mainly on the Lee County portion of watershed (starting west of U.S. Highway 41).  Data from the U.S. Geological Survey gauging station at U.S. Hwy 41 were used to represent runoff water entering into Lee County from the Webb Wildlife Area.  The east boundary in Lee County is along portions of an abandoned railroad and U.S. 41, the south boundary is Pine Island Road, the west boundary is the Cape Coral perimeter canal.  This perimeter canal outfalls to a mangrove marsh, which in turn flows to Matlacha Pass [1].  The Lee County portion of the main Gator Slough canal watershed, utilized for the calibration of the model, is relatively narrow, varying from one to three miles in width.  The complete drainage basin includes Gator Slough plus three other main canals, Horseshoe, Hermosa, and Shadroe, and their secondary branches.  It is about six miles in width.

     The watershed is channelized for its complete length from the Lee-Charlotte County Line to the perimeter spreader waterway system in Cape Coral adjacent to the salt marsh/mangrove estuary.  This spreader system was built by the developer of Cape Coral to help reduce the impact of direct flow out of the canals to the estuary in the 1970’s [2]. 

     The spreader system is a canal that parallels the salt/marsh mangroves zone with the purpose of causing the water to sheet flow into the wetlands.  It also provides additional salinity control for the canals which discharge into it. 

     Most of the Cape Coral area in this watershed has been previously cleared for future residential area.  More water can be expected to enter the system as northern Cape Coral builds out.  This study’s simulation has been kept consistent with current conditions.  All of the existing natural wetlands on the west side of U.S. 41 are north of the main Gator Slough canal flow-way.  The City of Cape Coral’s canal system could be used to divert and store fresh water from the main flow-way.  The final purpose of this study is to verify and quantify the opportunity of raising two weirs in the main flow-way (Gator Slough) as well as three weirs in the other main canals to retain additional runoff water.  Diverting water into more of the Cape Coral canal system by raising weir elevations would be consistent with several Lee County Plan policies and would likely increase estuarine productivity, decrease the impacts of excessive fresh water discharge and increased fresh water storage.

     The type of development and the general canal conditions affects the hydrology of the basin.  The watershed has experienced growth in the eastern portion of its Lee County area since the late 1970’s, and is currently estimated to be about 30% developed.  The majority of the watershed in Lee County is just north or within the City of Cape Coral.  The area within the city consists entirely of single–family residential development.  The remainder of the watershed in Lee County is shown in the Lee County Comprehensive Plan as “Open Lands” with some “Resource Protection-Transition Zone“ and “Suburban”.  The majority of the unincorporated area within the watershed is sparsely developed.  Most of the single-family residential development within the watershed has little or no surface water detention [3].

     The topography within the watershed varies in elevation from about +7 feet NGVD at the western boundary of Cape Coral to about +10 feet NGVD at Chiquita Boulevard, then to about +17 feet NGVD at Andalusia Boulevard, with about +24 feet NGVD at the north end of the Lee County portion of the watershed.  Certain areas around U.S. 41 experience over bank flooding in the medium to large storm events.  The average ground slope in both Lee and Charlotte Counties is about one foot per mile.

     The majority of the upper reaches of the watershed must convey runoff via overland flow.  Runoff from the remainder of the watershed is over large sheet flows areas or from residential areas noted above, directly to the channel.  The runoff from the developed area is directed to the conveyance via overland flow or through ditches and/or culverts.

     There are several tributary canals directly discharging to Gator Slough.  These canals convey much of the northern portion of Cape Coral’s surface water runoff.  There are no water control structures on most of these tributary canals; therefore runoff is fairly rapid from developed areas.  Canals that connect further downstream have some controls [3].  Depending on the canal water levels, water can flow in or out of the main canal.  Therefore the links created to mimic the canal system include no flap gates.  Bypassing of water control structures in the main canal is also possible.  The watershed boundary was set to be reasonably consistent with the canal system design.  Uneven rainfall pattern and/or other hydrological events and conditions could cause flow differences in the main canal.  It was assumed that runoff would not be diverted in or out of the watershed. 

     In order to fully analyze the hydrologic characteristics of this watershed, it is necessary to consider the portion of watershed in Charlotte County.  It extends into the Cecil Webb Wildlife Management Area north of Tucker’s Grade.  This area is the headwaters for the Gator Slough Watershed.  By its very nature, the Webb Wildlife Management Area has not been and will not be developed.  It is a natural flat prairie area that historically has sheet flowed south into Lee County and Gator Slough [1].  Monthly discharge coming from this portion of the watershed located north and east at Hwy U.S. 41 has been statistically evaluated and established as inflow data for the Gator Slough at its most upstream point (node 31) of the simulated canal system, just before the quadruple 10 feet x 6 feet box culvert under U.S. 41.  Data obtained from United States Geological Survey gauging station located 0.5 miles west of U.S. 41, named “Gator Slough at U.S. 41 near Ft. Myers, FL” were used to represent runoff water entering into Lee County.

           Figure 2. Gator Slough Watershed showing portions west and east of U.S. 41.


2.2   Conveyance Elements

     The conveyance elements within Lee County for the Gator Slough Watershed consist of a main channel length of a little over ten miles, with an associated upstream sheet flow area.  There are several culverts, bridges and weirs along the primary conveyance.

     During the development of the City of Cape Coral, the canal was constructed to replace the broadsheet flow that was the original cross section.  The conveyance is an excavated channel from its outflow into the City of Cape Coral’s western perimeter canal to about 4,500 feet upstream of U.S. Hwy 41. The Gator Slough main channel is approximately 200 feet wide in the reach from Burnt Store Road to a point one-half mile west of U.S. 41.  In this last one-half mile it narrows considerably to about 30 feet wide with several with several shallow areas in this vicinity.

     In its downstream reaches, Gator Slough is interconnected with the City of Cape Coral’s canal system.  The canals connected to Gator Slough convey water to and from it. Some of the connecting canals have no water control structures at their confluence with the Gator Slough channel, others are culvert connection and some have weirs for control of elevation and quantity of flow [1].

     At its downstream origin, Gator Slough has a bottom elevation of about – 6.5 feet NGVD.  This elevation rises to about – 4 feet NGVD at Burnt Store Road. From Burnt Store Road east, the bottom elevation rises from – 4 feet NGVD to about +4 feet NGVD at Nelson Road.  The channel bottom remains at a relatively constant elevation up to a point about one-half mile west of U.S. 41.  At that point, the bottom rises sharply to about +11 feet NGVD.  The bottom elevation at the upstream end of the Lee County portion of the watershed is approximately +21 feet NGVD.

     Downstream of Burnt Store Road, the conveyance is controlled by tidal conditions.  The Burnt Store Road weir was installed in 1972 and provides a salt-water barrier.  It also helps to maintain higher groundwater elevations upstream during the dry season.

     Most of the channel downstream of Burnt Store Road is relatively clear of debris and aquatic vegetation.  The side slope vegetation varies depending on location.  There are very few seawalls along the conveyance. Most of the channel side slopes are vegetated; some being maintained by the property owners while other areas are covered with Brazilian pepper and scrub vegetation [4].

     The excavated channel upstream of Burnt Store Road to Chiquita Boulevard is of a fair uniform cross section.  The channel from Chiquita Boulevard to Juanita Boulevard is about half the width of the channel downstream and upstream. 

     The channel contains excessive amounts of vegetation along most of its length from Burnt Store Road weir to the Lee County / Charlotte County line. In many places, this vegetation completely extends the complete width of the channel.  The side slopes are covered with scrub brush and sporadic pepper trees.  Most of the vegetation in the channel consists of cattail and other plants attached to the bottom [1].

     Thirty percent of the non-Charlotte County portion of this watershed consists of single-family residential development within the City of Cape Coral.  About half of the watershed in Lee County is undeveloped with the remainder in mobile home parks or sparse residential.  Since most of the residential development along the channel occurred prior to current regulations, much of the flood plain in Lee County has been encroached upon and filled in the developed areas.  There has been very little development in this watershed within Charlotte County.  Most of the Charlotte County area is within the Cecil Webb Wildlife Preserve.

     Gator Slough is currently being enhanced to provide additional water to the City.  A description of the major canal components in Gator Slough and the modifications currently in progress or proposed is presented as follows [4]:

   Gator Slough has been dredged to clear weeds and promote flow. The profile from where the Slough enters the City to 8 feet below the top of Weir #9 has been cleared of rock to provide unimpeded drainage flow. This has increased the flow to Cape Coral from the Slough. However, flow records show that there is little flow in the Slough during the dry season. Therefore, the change in profile would only allow some water into the Cape Coral system during the rainy season or after rain events.

     Basin 1, the first canal basin that the Slough enters, contains a substantial amount of canal surface area in addition to the Slough. Weir #19 (elevation 10.37 feet) discharges from Basin 1 to Basin 2, which comprises only Gator Slough canal.  The water from Gator Slough in Basin 2 can flow over Weir #9 (elevation 8.5 feet) continuing over Gator Slough or flow over Weir #58 (elevation 8.35 feet) entering Basin 4.  Weir #9 is a rectangular weir that zigzags diagonally across the channel.  Hence it is know as the Zigzag weir.  Downstream from Basin 2, a balance structure in Gator Slough transfers water by gravity flow through four 36-inch culverts from Basin 4 to Gator Slough.  Gator Slough flows through Basins 1,2,4 and 6, eventually discharging to North Spreader Canal System

Structural details

     The following is a brief synopsis of each structure along the Gator Slough conveyance as given by Johnson Engineering, Inc., Camp Dresser & McKee Inc., Hole, Monte & Assoc., and W. Dexter Bender & Assoc. (1991) [1]. Appendices C and D give the respective diagrams for some of these structures.

Bridge 74

     The most downstream structure is located at Old Burnt Store Road, east of the perimeter canal outfall.  The structure consists of a pair of concrete bridges, each 102 feet long with a load elevation of +12.3 feet NGVD.  There are two sets of concrete support pilings at this structure.

Bridge BS

     This is a 156 feet long concrete bridge at Burnt Store Road.  The road elevation is about +10.8 feet NGVD.  There are five sets of concrete support pilings in the channel.

Weir #11

     This is the Burnt Store Road weir. It is a reinforced concrete weir, which has a crest elevation of +2.4 feet NGVD with a length of 175 feet.  There is no notch in the crest.  There is one slide gate on the south end of the weir.  See Appendix C1.

Bridge 94

     El Dorado Boulevard crosses over a 27 feet x 14 feet concrete box culvert.  The top of road elevation over the structure is about +13.4 feet NGVD.  The invert elevation of the culverts is – 3.1 feet NGVD.  There is no center column.

Weir #4

     This is the Chiquita Boulevard weir.  It is a reinforced concrete weir that has a crest elevation of +6.3 feet NGVD with a length of 230 feet.  This is a polygonal weir resembling interconnected boxes.  The bank-to-bank distance perpendicular to the flow is 140 feet.  There is no notch in the crest.  There are no gates at this structure.  It is modeled as ‘user defined’ exponential rating curve with length 230 feet at depth 0.0 feet to length 120 feet at depth 2.0 feet.

Culvert #4

     Two 27 feet x 9 feet concrete box culverts provide the Chiquita Boulevard crossing. The top of road elevation over the structure is about +12 feet NGVD.  The invert elevation of the culverts is +0.4 feet NGVD.

Weir #9

     This is the Nelson Road weir.  It is a reinforced concrete weir that has a crest elevation of +8.5 feet NGVD with a length of 220 feet.  The weir shape resembles a set of stairs across the canal.  The weir length is the wetted perimeter along the channel.  The bank-to-bank distance perpendicular to the flow is 120 feet.  There is no notch in the crest.  There are no gates at this structure.  It is modeled as ‘user defined’ exponential rating curve with length 220 feet at depth 0.0 feet to length 140 feet at depth 2.0 feet.

Weir #19 / Box Culvert

     This is the structure at Andalusia Boulevard.  It is a double 24 feet x 10 feet concrete box culvert, which incorporates a 46 feet long (92 feet of total length) weir structure located diagonally inside each box culvert.  The flow over the weir crest is at an angle to the stream flow.  The weir crest elevation is +10.37 feet NGVD.  The top of road elevation over the box culvert is approximately +16.7 feet NGVD.  It is modeled as a double ‘user defined’ weir with length 46 feet at depth greater than 5.4 feet (crest of 10.1 feet minus invert of 4.7 feet) and 0.0 feet length at depth less than or equal to 5.4 feet.  See Appendix C11.

Box Culvert - West Gator Circle

     A single 20 feet x 14.6 feet concrete box culvert at West Gator Circle is the next structure upstream from Andalusia.  The top-level elevation over the culvert is about +21.0 feet NGVD.  The invert elevation of the culvert is about +4.4 feet NGVD.

Box Culvert – East Gator Circle

     This is a single 15 feet x 14 feet concrete box culvert at East Gator Circle.  The top of road elevation over the culvert is about +20.4 feet NGVD.  The invert elevation of the culvert is +4.5 feet NGVD.

Box Culvert - Garden Boulevard

     The Garden Boulevard crossing is a single 15 feet x 14 feet concrete box culvert. The top of road elevation over the culvert is about +20.6 feet NGVD.  The invert elevation of the culvert is +4.1 feet NGVD.

Box Culvert – U.S. 41

     This is a quadruple 10 feet x 6 feet concrete box culvert at U.S. Hwy 41.  The top of road elevation over the culvert is about +23.1 feet NGVD.  The invert elevation of the culvert is about +13.1 feet NGVD.


2.3   Control Structures

2.3.1  Gator Slough Canal

     Three water control structures are located downstream of Weir #19: Weir # 9, 4 and 11.  Downstream of Weir #11 there is one culvert and one bridge (# 94). Upstream of Weir #11, there are two other bridges (#74 and BS).  Bridges and culverts are located on both the main channel and the branch canals.

Weir #9 stair steps across the canal. It is represented as a rectangular weir without end contraction [2].  

 Weir #4 is a reinforced concrete rectangular weir without end contraction [1].

Weir #11 is a reinforced concrete rectangular weir without end contraction. There is one slide gate on the south end of the weir [2].

Weir #19 is a rectangular weir with end contraction enclosed in two box culverts, one upstream and the other downstream.

     For flow rate in cubic feet per second, length and head in feet, the discharge equation for a rectangular weir without end contraction is:

Q = C*L*H 1.5

C = discharge coefficient 
L = weir length  
H = head

2.3.2  Secondary Canals

Horseshoe Canal

     Three water control structures: Weir #21,16 and 13.  It has 18 bridges and/or culverts upstream of Weir #13 and one bridge downstream of Weir #11.  Bridges and culverts are located on both the main channel and the branch canals.

Weir #21 is a reinforced concrete drop-inlet culvert [2].

Weir #16 is a reinforced concrete rectangular weir without end contraction and connected to a 4-pilling bridge [2].

Weir #13 is a reinforced concrete rectangular weir with end contraction [2].

Hermosa Canal

     Two water control structures: Weir #17 and 14.  It has 11 bridges and/or culverts located upstream of Weir #14 and one bridge located downstream of Weir #14.  Bridges and culverts are located on both the main channel and the branch canals.

Weir # 17 is a reinforced concrete rectangular weir without end contraction connected to a 4 pilling bridge, type D [2].

Weir # 14 is a reinforced concrete rectangular weir without end contraction [2].

Shadroe Canal

     Two water control structures: Weir #18 and15.  It has 3 bridges located upstream of Weir #15.  Bridges and culverts are located on both the main channel and the branch canals.

Weir #18 is a reinforced concrete drop-inlet culvert [2].

Weir #15 is a reinforced concrete rectangular weir with end contraction [2].

2.3.3 Branch Canals and Spreader Waterway

     Three water control structures were inserted in the branch canals: Weir #58 and Weir #5 and 15N, which belong to the Spreader Waterway, located at the west-most side of the watershed.

Weir #58 is a rectangular weir with end contraction and connected to 7 CMP pipes [2].  

Weir # 5 is assumed as a rectangular weir without end contraction,

Weir # 15N is assumed as a rectangular weir without end contraction,  

     For flow rate in cubic feet per second, length and head in feet, the discharge equation for a rectangular weir with end contraction is:

Q = C*(L – 0.2*H)*H 1.5

2.3.4  Other Structures

(1)  Canals Interconnection A: Conduit between Gator Slough (Chase Canal) and  Horseshoe (Pomeroy Canal): 4 feet reinforced concrete pipe, length 1205 feet, Manning factor 0.014 [3].

(2)  Canal Interconnection C: Conduit between Horseshoe Canal and Hermosa (Atkinson Canal):  4 feet reinforced concrete pipe, length 800 feet, Manning factor 0.014 [3].

(3)  Canal Interconnection D: Conduit between Hermosa (Mohawk Canal) and Shadroe (Albatross Lake): 4 feet reinforced concrete pipe, length 2000 feet, Manning factor 0.014 [3].

(4)  Balancing Structure - Structure #57:  It transfers water by gravity flow from Gator Slough into Basin 4 through 4 open circular pipes (5 feet diameter, 100 feet of length, Manning factor: 0.025) [2].  Flap gates were installed last year to prevent reverse flow from Basin 4 to Gator Slough.

(5)  North-South Transfer Pump Station: This has two pumps which convey water from Basin 4 (Regina Canal), north of Pine Road corridor, to Basin 14 (Mackinac Canal) out of the watershed under analysis.  It consists of two low head, high volume axial flow pumps and a 36-inch concrete pipeline connecting the two basins.  The station is manually operated and is used to replenish basins south of the Pine Island Road Corridor when the system demand is high. The pumps (model NC 3, manufactured by M&W) can deliver a combined 18,000 gpm [4]. Prior modeling assumed the basins south of Pine Island Road were full; therefore the N/S pump station was not activated during the modeling runs.  As per information and agreement with Cape Coral City (January 05, 2001) this more conservative approach was used and did not include the N/S pumping station.  Table 1 gives a summary of the weirs in the watershed and their dimensions.


Table 1. Summary table of weirs located in the entire watershed.

Weir #


Length (ft)

Crest elevation (ft)


Gator Slough - Chiquita Boulevard




Gator Slough - Nelson Road




Gator Slough - Burnt Store Road

178 / 175**



Gator Slough - Burnt Store Road




Gator Slough- Andalusia Boulevard

92 / 120*

10.5 / 10.1**


Gator Slough - Syracuse Canal


8.5 / 8.25*


Horseshoe Canal-Burnt Store Road




Horseshoe Canal-Chiquita Boulevard




Horseshoe Canal – Juanita Boulevard




Hermosa Canal - Burnt Store Road




Hermosa Canal - Chiquita Boulevard




Shadroe Canal - Burnt Store Road




Shadroe Canal - Chiquita Boulevard




Reference - unless otherwise stated: A Water Management Study of the Cape Coral Canal Networks, Lee County, Florida, Connell, Metcalf & Eddy, January 1979 [2]

*Environmental Resource Permit Staff Review Summary – Gator Slough Enhancements.  Boyle Engineering Corporation, March 2000.

**Lee County Surface Water Management Plan (LCSWMP). Johnson Engineering, Inc, 1991 [1]


2.4   Model Geometry and Configuration

2.4.1  Canal Network Configuration

         Figure 3.  Project canal network area.


     For the portion of the watershed north and east of U.S. 41 the model utilizes historical data as the input hydrograph to Gator Slough at its easternmost node.  Between Burnt Store Road and U.S. 41 a detailed simulation of the existing canal system was performed.  West of Burnt Store Road not all the branch canals were included in the model but their storage volumes were considered at corresponding nodes based on the length and width of the reaches.

         Figure 4.  Simulated canal network.

2.4.2  Channel Dimensions and Lakes

     The majority of the channel segments have a relatively uniform cross section with abrupt changes at certain locations.  The four main channels, Gator Slough, Horseshoe, Hermosa, and Shadroe were scaled as reported by the Johnson Engineering & Co. Master Plan [1]; their branch canals were dimensioned by geometric proportion to the main canals using the City of Cape Coral Drainage Plan maps.

     Lakes were inserted using a constant area storage method or a stepwise linear storage method for those cases where data were available.  This second option allows use of trapezoidal section of the lakes in developing a stage-storage function.

     Most of the links represent natural channels for which the shape and geometries are described through section coordinates, depth and elevation based on the width of the cross section and on the maximum depth of the canal.

     Main canals cross-section main geometric parameters are given in Table 2.


                  Table 2.  Main channel dimensions [2].



width (ft)







Trib. canal bottom slope

Gator Slough





 (Weir #9 to Weir #4)


(Weir #19 to Weir #11)









(Weir #20 to Weir #13)







(Weir #16 to Weir #14)







  (Weir #9 to Weir #4)


     Nodes are the storage elements corresponding to pipe and channel junctions.  The variables associated with a node are volume, head, imperviousness, slope and surface area.  Node data are required for every node in the network including regular nodes, storage nodes, pump nodes, and outfall nodes. Node data for the model is given in Appendix A.

2.4.3  Canal Slopes

     The channel side slope varies depending on location.  For the ground slope for property adjacent to the channels, a mean value of 1 ft/1 mi (0.0002) was assumed.  This is consistent with previous Gator Slough studies. A complete list based on the channel elevations found in the City of Cape Coral maps (field information/road design maps) is provided in Table 2.

2.4 4  Storage Areas

     Use of the storage option for each node provides additional surface storage for a canal reach, thus better reflecting the storage of excess runoff.  When a canal volume is temporary inadequate, water is allowed to pond in the surrounding overbank area until there is sufficient hydraulic capacity within the canal for it to rejoin the network.  To achieve this storage effect the maximum spill crest value in the storage node has been raised from the canal crown to a coordinate location determined from the node area width and slope.  Beyond this coordinate, any additional water depth is considered lost from the system (to avoid double counting of the storage volume).  The main purpose of this project is to evaluate the flood stage and find out any canal banks overflow risks.  To obtain this information from the output file for runoff event, each link data set has been provided with a suitable “Maximum Channel Depth”.  Combination of raised spill crest in each node and max depth in each link allow us to verify when the canal depth is exceeded by the water level without any loss of flooding area beyond the canal crown.

Figure 5.  Sketch of a typical canal section.

2.5   Lee County Soils Classif ication

     The majority of Gator Slough Watershed has soils from the following series: Boca, Matlacha gravely fine sand, Oldsmar, Pineda and Wabasso.  These soils are all in the B/D hydrologic group except the Matlacha gravely fine sand, which is hydrologic group C. The B classification is for those areas that are well drained. The D classification refers to those areas with a high water table.  The C classification has a water table two to three feet below the land surface.  Most of this soil group is within the Cape Coral where the land has been reshaped and filled during the development [2].  The measured water elevations in 1990 were similar to the information provided in the SCS Soil Survey of Lee County, Florida.

     The soil conditions of the Cape Coral area were taken from soil borings and data furnished by the U.S. Soil Conservation Service.  Soil borings taken on different sites scattered throughout Cape Coral indicate that in general the uppermost 25 to 40 feet of soil is mostly silica sand, with an estimated porosity of 30%.  About half of the sites had thin layers of restrictive material such as sandy silt, silty sand or sand with traces of silt occurring at shallow depths.  At the depth of 25 to 40 feet there is a layer of marl, or green clay [1], [4].

     According to The Florida General Soils Atlas, the soils of Cape Coral are classified as shown in Figures 6 and 7.  The soil classification numbers indicated in the figure were defined in a report by Connell, Metcalf, and Eddy (1979) [2], as:

No. 2: Immokalee-Myakka-Pompano association: Nearly level, poorly drained sandy soils with weakly cemented sandy subsoil and poorly drained soils, sandy throughout.

No. 3: Adamsville-Pompano association: Nearly level, somewhat poorly and poorly drained soils, sandy throughout.

No. 5: Keri - Ft. Drum - Hallandale association: Nearly level, somewhat poorly drained soils with thin sandy layers over loamy marl under-laid by sandy and poorly drained soils with thin sandy layers over porous limestone.

No. 6: Pompano-Charlotte association: Nearly level, poorly drained soils, sandy throughout.

No. 7: Bradenton-Wabasso-Felda association: Nearly level, poorly drained soils with thin, sandy layers over loamy subsoil; poorly drained sub soils with a weakly cemented sandy subsoil layer under-laid by loamy subsoil and poorly drained sandy soils with loamy subsoil.

No. 8: Salt Water Marsh and Swamp Dunes association: Nearly level, very poorly drained soils subject to frequent flooding by tidal waters and deep droughty sands.

Figure 6.  Soils Atlas of Cape Coral.


           Figure 7.  Lee County General Soil Map.