132 N. Lee St., LaBelle, FL 33935
tel:863-674-5727, fax:863-675-1233

 Cape Coral Canal System Storm Water Model

by  J.C. Capece, A. Zulu, A. Pipinato, & C.Perlongo (Southern DataStream, Inc.)
and  M.A. Hanson (Boyle Engineering, Inc.)

Executive Summary

1.0  Introduction

   1.1   Project Purpose and Scope of Work

   1.2  Watershed Boundary

2.0  Gator Slough Watershed & Hydrology

    2.1   Area Hydrology

    2.2   Conveyance Elements

    2.3   Control Structures

      2.3.1   Gator Slough Canal

      2.3.2   Secondary Canals

      2.3.3   Branch Canals & Spreader

      2.3.4   Other Structures

   2.4   Model Geometry and Configuration

     2.4.1   Canal Network Configuration

     2.4.2   Channel Dimensions and Lakes

     2.4.3   Canal Slopes

     2.4.4   Storage Areas

   2.5   Lee County Soils Classification

3.0  Model Calibration and Results

    3.1   Initial Depth

    3.2   Infiltration

    3.3   Impervious percentages

    3.4   Manning’s Factor

    3.5   Groundwater Flow

    3.6   Tidal Boundary Conditions

    3.7   Upstream Inflow Data

    3.8   Evaporation and Rainfall Data